Aldo B. Martin Presents: The Fatherhood Project
The Fatherhood Project is a podcast dedicated to dads of all walks of life. Our program gives dads the opportunity, through one on one conversations, to tell how their experience as sons has shaped their experience as fathers.
Aldo B. Martin Presents: The Fatherhood Project
"The Bat Mobile" - Carlos C.
This week we meet Carlos. At the time of this interview, Carlos is the father to an infant. He tells us about the lessons that his father taught him as a youth. Carlos tells about some of his fondest memories with him and his dad growing up in Washington Heights in New York City. As Carlos embarks on his fatherhood journey, his story indicates that he's fortunate to have in his dad, an example that he can withdraw inspiration from.
**UPDATE** As this episodes was released on September 12, 2022, Carlos and his wife welcomed the birth of their second child.
Other Podcasts by Aldo B. Martin
Finding James Baldwin: The Magpie Years
The Reclamation
YALD. The Podcast
Jammin' on the One